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PIPOWER NC network of public broadcasting is based on modern IT technology platform for digital signal transmission, combined with electro-acoustic technology for the public broadcaster, background music, the field of emergency broadcast design, and development of high-quality public address system. The high-tech, application of new technologies is that the difference between traditional broadcast sound reinforcement systems, broadcasting powerful, system applications diversified, stable and reliable, high standards of sound quality and other characteristics.

The product line covers industrial computer TP network broadcasting, industrial computer, multi-point interactive addressable broadcast system programming / wireless remote control broadcasting, the integration of multiple sources using regional radio and a wide variety of digital audio series, CNC audio / power signal matrix series, the emergency alarm series, constant pressure amplifier series, professional speaker series. The case of many large broadcast engineering PIPOWER public broadcasting system in airports, stations, buildings, squares, tourist attractions, government agencies, military zones, universities, enterprise groups, The Select PIPOWER is the protection of your confidence!
copyright © 2005-2020 guangzhou city lingyin electric co.,ltd. all rights reserved.
address: guangzhou baiyun district ishii lake houses door tian industrial district ling - industrial zone zip code:510430
tel:020-22042277 fax:020-62637059
url:www.gzlingba.com email:gzlingba@msn.cn yue icp bei 09032211 hao